Stochastic linear program for investments in the European power system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Open basic version of EMPIRE in Pyomo


Open basic version of EMPIRE in Pyomo

Required Software

The EMPIRE model is available in the Python-based, open-source optimization modelling language Pyomo. To run the model, make sure Python, Pyomo and a third-party solver like SCIP or CPLEX is installed and loaded to the respective computer or cluster. More information on how to install Python and Pyomo can be found here: http://www.pyomo.org/installation.

Test Run

Note that building the instance in Pyomo for a base case of EMPIRE can take around 40 min. Therefore, it is good to run the ‘test_run.py’ first to confirm whether your computer or cluster connects to the preferred solver or not.


When all Pyomo and the preferred solver has been installed, the model is run by running the script ‘run.py’ in a Python interface. The code is run by using the following commands: C:\Users\name> cd <path_to_folder>
C:\Users\name\path_to_folder> python run.py