
Instructions on how to set up a tiny display for your kaliPi device, which shows information like current IP address, hostname, MAC-address and potentially many more things.

Primary LanguagePython

kaliPi Mini Display

A tiny screen on your kaliPi that shows the name, current IP and MAC address of your device.

The project intends to help in acquiring a device's IP on a network more quickly. Especially in large company networks with restricted NATs it can sometimes be a lengthy process to determine the IP from the "outside".

The code is python-based. Assembly is pretty much lego-like.


Close-up of the assembled device (see the PiOLED at the top left)


These instructions assume your KaliPi is assembled and "ready to go".

  1. Update/Upgrade your KaliPi: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  2. Install software:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306
sudo apt-get install python3-pil
sudo pip install getmac
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
  1. Edit/add the following lines in the config file (sudo nano /boot/config.txt) and save it in order to enable I2C and change the I2C core frequency to 100 kHz:
  1. Add the following line to /etc/modules (sudo nano /etc/modules) and save the file:
  1. Reboot the device and test I2C functionality by entering sudo i2cdetect -y 1. If said command returns the following output, I2C is working as intended.


  1. Copy minidisplay.py and the visitor.ttf font to your device, preferably into a new folder.
  2. Make the script execute on bootup. One way of achieving this is adding these lines to /etc/rc.local (sudo nano /etc/rc.local):
sudo python3 /var/minidisplay/minidisplay.py &
exit 0
  1. After that, add the permission to execute rc.local by entering sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local.
  2. Reboot. You're done.