
Shopify Backend Challenge 2019 Internship

Primary LanguagePython

Super Cool Shop

Getting started

  • Requirements python 3.6+ (commands might behave different on Windows)
  • For an easy clean install, ./clean_install.sh 💨
    • Might need permission, chmod +x clean_install.sh
  • What does it do?
    • Creates a virtual environment (venv)
      • python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
    • Installs python dependecies in venv
      • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Creates a SQLite DB and populates with sample data
      • python manage.py recreate-db && python manage.py seed-db

Run Application

  • First, activate venv, source venv/bin/activate ⚠️
    • Optional: set development mode, export FLASK_ENV=development
  • Launch application, python manage.py run 🔥
    • Running on port 5000
  • Run tests: python manage.py test 🛠️


API (Purchase and Cart)

  • All routes are in project/api.py
    • All endpoints requires an access token in header
      • For demo purpose ONLY, the token is 'token': supersecretkey
Method Endpoint Params Example
GET /api/ping Test route and connection
GET /api/products All products
GET /api/products/available All available products
GET /api/cart/list?uid={} uid (int) *optional Get all user carts or a specific user cart
POST /api/cart/add?pid={}&uid={} pid (int), uid (int) Create user cart if empty, add a product to cart
POST /api/cart/remove?pid={}&uid={} pid (int), uid (int) Remove a product in a user cart, delete cart if empty
POST /api/cart/checkout?uid={} uid (int) Purchase all products in a user cart
  • uid = User ID, pid = Product ID
  • All API errors such as incorrect params or server error returns an error key
{'error': 'Incorrect auth token'}
{'error': 'Server Error'}
{'error': 'Incorrect query params.'}
{'error': 'No product found.'}
{'error': 'Product inventory is empty.'}
{'error': 'User has no.'}


  • /api/products/
    "products": [
            "id": 1,
            "inventory_count": 5,
            "price": 888.88,
            "title": "Snowboard"
            "id": 2,
            "inventory_count": 0,
            "price": 100,
            "title": "Helmet"
            "id": 3,
            "inventory_count": 10,
            "price": 120,
            "title": "Boots"
  • /api/products/available
    "products": [
            "id": 1,
            "inventory_count": 5,
            "price": 888.88,
            "title": "Snowboard"
            "id": 3,
            "inventory_count": 10,
            "price": 120,
            "title": "Boots"
  • /api/cart/list
    "cart": {
        "25": {
            "products": [
                    "pid": 1,
                    "price": 888.88,
                    "title": "Snowboard"
            "total": 888.88
        "88": {
            "products": [
                    "pid": 3,
                    "price": 120,
                    "title": "Boots"
                    "pid": 1,
                    "price": 888.88,
                    "title": "Snowboard"
            "total": 1008.88

*25 and 88 are user IDs
  • /api/cart/list?uid=25
    "cart": {
        "products": [
                "pid": 1,
                "price": 888.88,
                "title": "Snowboard"
        "total": 888.88


  • ORM Database with Flask SQLAlchemy
    • Database models define in project/models.py


  • Controller functions are in project/controller.py
    • Handles the communication between API request and DB Models


  • More tests!
  • Endpoints to add products, remove products
  • JWT authentication to handle user id
  • Environment and config files to handle development, staging, production
  • Continous Integration with Travis CI