
JS ecosystem tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In an effort to get a handle on the complex ecosystem that's sprung up around Javascript applications over the past several years, I ran through an example application that showed how all the various pieces fit together.

  • Yarn - package manager
  • Babel - ES6 to ES5 compiler
  • Gulp - development task management
  • ESLint - linting tool for JS and JSX
  • Webpack - asset bundler
  • React - UI component framework
  • Redux - state container
  • Mocha - testing framework
  • Chai - testing assertions library
  • Sinon - mocking and stubbing
  • Flow - static type checking

The tutorial also addresses some of the basics of ES6 including classes, modules, arrow functions, etc.

Find the tutorial at: https://github.com/verekia/js-stack-from-scratch