
🤖 Personal Web Service for my Arlobot Robot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Robot Cloud Server

The purpose of this code is to run in the "cloud" on a server, such as on a Digital Ocean droplet in order to facilitate the communication between the robot on a network that is either private, or simply unstable.


  1. Accept incoming messages and relay them to robot when it comes online.
  2. Provide a consistent web interface URL that will redirect to the robot's current IP address.
  3. Provide ability to get IP and Host names for adding to /etc/hosts

This is more of a personal one off thing than code that anyone might use. It is a reasonably good example of a cloud Socket.io server with the ability to store and forward messages though. If you are using ArloBot, and need a way to communicate with it or find it on a network, message me, and I will see if I can help you get this running.

Setup and Run



I suggest using the latest LTS, and I suggest using nvm to install it.

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash
nvm install node --latest-npm
nvm use node
nvm alias default node

Setup and run RobotWebService

Configuration File

mkdir .robotWebService

Create a file called ~/.robotWebService/config.json with the following contents:

  "cloudServer": {
    "password": "superSecret1234",
    "sessionSecret": "RandomStringForSessionID"

Test run

npm ci
node index.js


The expected way to run this is to use PM2 to run it continuously.


Cron job

You probably want this to just run on your cloud server 24x7, so it should start in cron.

Add something like this to your crontab:
@reboot /home/chrisl8/RobotWebService/startpm2.sh

Be sure to replace my home folder with your home directory.