
Visualforce remote objects using Ember's RSVP

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Augment Visualforce Remote Objects to provide RSVP.js promises.

Project Status

Still under active development. Do not use this in production.


First, jQuery / Ember.js is required, as that's what provides the deferred/promises framework. After that's included, make sure makeDeferredProvider.js (or makePreferredProvider.min.js) is included.

Then, simply call


where jsNameSpace is the namespace provided to the apex:remoteObjects VF tag. If no argument is provided for makeDeferredProvider, the default is SObjectModel, just like the remoteObjects tag.


The regular flow for Visualforce Remote Object is (per the release notes):

var wh = new SObjectModel.Warehouse();
// Use the Remote Object to query for 10 warehouse records
wh.retrieve({ limit: 10 }, function(err, records){
    if(err) alert(err.message);
    else {
		alert (records);

Using promises, the flow is just a bit different:

var wh = SObjectModel.deferredObject('Warehouse');;
// Use the Remote Object to query for 10 warehouse records
var whp = wh.retrieve({ limit: 10 });

// The first function is invoked when the promise is successfully fulfilled
// The second function is invoked when the promise is rejected
    function(err) {

That's a bit more verbose, and in this simple case, promises aren't worth the effort. Read up more here, or here to really start to get the advantages promises offer.