
Feedback application for the Ruby on Rails Tech Talk!

Primary LanguageRuby

Tech Talks: Ruby on Rails

Tech Talk Feedback App

This document assumes an OS X development environment. If you're using Linux, the installation instructions won't be far off; you can probably just skip the Xcode and package manager sections and be good to go. If you're using Windows it's more complicated and I wish you luck.


Install command line tools from the Preferences > Downloads > Components dialog within Xcode.

Package manager

RVM requires some prerequiste system libraries. I use Homebrew, but RVM also supports MacPorts and Fink. If you don't currently have a package manager, install Homebrew with the following CLI one-liner:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"

RVM (Ruby enVironment Manager)

These instructions may not be 100% correct since RVM is constantly changing. Follow any on-screen instructions you see! Run these commands:

  1. \curl -#L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --autolibs=3
  2. source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
  3. rvm requirements
  4. rvm install 2.0.0

Project environment setup

  1. Create a directory for the application. I used ~/Documents/Tech Talks/Ruby on Rails/feedback.
  2. Create an RVM gemset and .rvmrc file in the project directory:
  3. cd ~/Documents/Tech\ Talks/Ruby\ on\ Rails/feedback
  4. rvm --rvmrc --create use 2.0.0@tech-talk-rails

You should be good to go!

Enjoy the delight that is creating a Ruby on Rails application.