This toolkit is an extension of the main CoastSat toolbox, it enables users to estimate the beach-face slope from satellite-derived shorelines and associated tide levels.
Visit the CoastSat webGIS page to explore and download a regional-scale dataset of beach slopes.
The methodology is described in: Vos K., Harley M.D., Splinter K.D., Walker A., Turner I.L. (2019). Beach slopes from satellite-derived shorelines. Geophysical Research Letters. (or preprint here).
Slides are also available here.
There are two Jupyter Notebooks in the repository, showing examples of beach slope estimation along transects at Cable Beach and Narrabeen-Collaroy, Australia.
To run the examples you will need to install the coastsat
environment (instructions in the main CoastSat toolbox).
If you want to use FES2014 global tide model to get the tide levels at the time of image acquisition, follow the instructions provided to setup the model.
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