- Development
- Running the Code Generator
- Models and JSON
- Interpretation of the OpenAPI Specification
- Additional Date and Time Types
The test.sh
and watch-test.sh
scripts have been added to the project root to support integration tests of the
generators. test.sh
will run either generator based on the command line argument (either client
or server
receives the same argument and will continuously run test.sh
when a file under src
Note this requires fswatch to be installed.
Clone this repository, cd
to the resulting project directory, and then build
the Meetup service client code generator:
(cd meetup-scala-generator/ && ./sbt package)
Note there is a local copy of the sbt
launcher script from sbt-extras
included for convenience.
This will have produced a jar of the generator, which we can now use for code generation:
CP=target/meetup-scala-generator-`make version`.jar swagger-codegen/swagger-codegen generate -i swagger.yaml -l meetup-scala-client -o generated
Once you have generated a client you can forward requests to a cloud-hosted service. First get the pod name:
kubectl get pod --namespace orgx
Assuming we get a pod name of plan-service-896393671-ea03g
, start up the forwarder:
kubectl port-forward plan-service-896393671-ea03g --namespace orgx 9000
Be careful! Currently this is "production".
CP=target/meetup-scala-generator-`make version`.jar swagger-codegen/swagger-codegen generate -i swagger.yaml -l meetup-scala-server -o generated
The name of the runnable Main object or objects generated is based on the tags used in the swagger definition file. The swagger
generator groups together API endpoints into separate classfiles based on their tags. If no tags are used, a DefaultApiMain
is generated. In the example swagger provided, the endpoints are tagged with subscription
and SubscriptionApiMain
generated. If endpoints are tagged differently, then multiple Main
classes will be generated, each providing only the
grouped endpoints corresponding to one tag (or default).
This uses the swagger-codegen
script to run the swagger-codegen CLI,
which is included in the same directory for convenience.
Now you can poke around the generated source in the generated
You can pass in the -DdebugModels
to get a printout of the variables available to the mustache templates:
JVM_ARGS=-DdebugModels CP=target/meetup-scala-generator-`make version`.jar swagger-codegen/swagger-codegen generate -i swagger.yaml -l meetup-scala-server -o generated
For a bit more about this: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/wiki/Mustache-Template-Variables
You can generate a project from other codegens to assist in debugging and learning how this all works.
Looking in the swagger-codegen
dependency, you'll see mustache templates for many other languages. To find codegens that go with them, look to DefaultCodegen
and see all the classes inheriting from it.
For example, the Java Spring
CP=target/meetup-scala-generator-`make version`.jar swagger-codegen/swagger-codegen generate -i your_swagger_yaml_here.yaml -l spring -o an-output-directory
(The -l
param is gotten from the getName
method in the codegen.)
In addition to generating models, the generator also generates bidirectional JSON codecs for each.
Having run the commands above you should have a generated
directory that contains the generated source,
which is itself an SBT project. Let's start a REPL to check things out:
(cd generated && ../sbt console)
Now construct a plan and serialize it to a JSON string:
val plan: Plan = Plan("3 group unlimited plan", Entitlements(maxGroups = Some(3), maxUsers = None))
val planJson: String = Serializer.serialize(plan)
This constructs a plan that would permit the organizer to create at most 3 MUGs with no limit on the membership count of each. Pretty-printed, we have:
"entitlements": {
"maxGroups": 3
"name": "3 group unlimited plan"
Now that we have this JSON blob in the planJson
variable, let's go backwards and use it to deserialize a Plan
val planResult: Either[String, Plan] = Serializer.deserialize[Plan](planJson)
There are two things to note here. First, the result type is Either[String, Plan]
rather than simply Plan
. This is because
deserialization can fail, either because the input string is not valid JSON, or it is, but its structure isn't comprehensible
as a serialized plan. Second, we had to explicitly pass the Plan
type parameter to the deserialize
call. At a high-level
this is because the implementation relies on static, compile-time proof that a Plan
can be deserialized.
is a convenience module that relies on two other components: the Parser
module functions and the Codec
for each model. Let's use those directly to get a sense of what the Serializer
val planJValue: JValue = Codec.encode(plan)
val planJson: String = Parser.deparse(planJValue)
Here we pass the plan
value, the same Plan
instance we created above, to Codec.encode
. Codec
is both a module and a
typeclass, instances of which are parameterized on a given type and provide bidirectional serialization between that type
and a structured JSON AST, not a raw string. Codec.encode
simply resolves the Codec
instance for the type of the given
value and encodes it in this AST. Next we pass that resulting value to Parser.deparse
, which can safely convert the
structured AST value into a valid JSON string. Now let's convert it back to a Plan
val parsedJValue: Either[String, JValue] = Parser.parse(planJson)
val parsedPlan: Either[String, Plan] = parsedJValue.right.flatMap(Codec.decode[Plan])
First we use Parser.parse
to attempt to parse a raw string into a structure JSON representation
(currently a JValue
instance). This returns an Either[String, JValue]
because it may fail to parse. Next we
over that value using Codec.decode
to decode the JValue
as a Plan
. As this too can fail, it results in
an Either[String, JValue]
, so we use flatMap
to end up with a "flattened" structure.
This generator is intended to target API specification files adhering to the OpenAPI version 2.0 specification.
The order in which parameters are defined in the Open Api spec doesn't necessarily correspond to the order in which the method accepts them in the generated code.
In the generated code, the method accepts required params before optional ones. The following Open Api spec would generate a client with a method like:
def getChapterConversations(A: Boolean, D: Boolean, B: Option[Boolean], C: Option[Boolean])
operationId: getChapterConversations
description: Fetch conversations for a chapter
tags: [MugCommService]
- name: A
type: boolean
required: true
- name: B
type: boolean
required: false
- name: C
type: boolean
required: false
- name: D
type: boolean
required: true
The OpenAPI specification defers to the [JSON-Schema Draft 4] for its treatment of enum
We currently support both standalone definitions defined as enums themselves as well as inline enums.
All values of an enum must be of the same type. Supported value types are a subset of those allowed in JSON-schema: boolean
, integer
, number
, and string
The code generation strategy for both standalone and embedded enums is the same:
- sealed type hierarchy
- instances as case objects with both the
members rendering the original value. - a companion with the instances available as a
, as well as a function,fromValue
, for translating a raw value - into an instance
Consider this standalone example:
description: The payment service provider.
type: string
- apple
- stripe
This would result in the following scala code:
sealed abstract class Psp(val value: String) extends Product with Serializable
case object Apple extends Psp("apple")
case object Stripe extends Psp("stripe")
object Psp {
private val valueMap =
"apple" -> Apple,
"stripe" -> Stripe
val values: Set[Psp] = valueMap.values.toSet
def fromValue(value: String): Option[Psp] = valueMap.get(value)
Consider this embedded example:
description: A Subscription.
type: string
- apple
- stripe
This would result in the following scala code:
final case class Subscription(psp: Option[Subscription.Psp])
object Subscription {
sealed abstract class Psp(val value: String) extends Product with Serializable
case object Apple extends Psp("apple")
case object Stripe extends Psp("stripe")
object Psp {
private val valueMap =
"apple" -> Apple,
"stripe" -> Stripe
val values: Set[Psp] = valueMap.values.toSet
def fromValue(value: String): Option[Psp] = valueMap.get(value)
Note that we infer the root enum type from the property name. We also place the hierarchy within the companion object of the class generated to represent the containing model in the specification.
Note: proper support is still pending - please refrain from use at this time.
The OpenAPI version 2.0 specification explicitly supports subtype polymorphism, or "inheritance", through a combination of its interpretation of the JSON-Schema
key word and the OpenAPI discriminator
The following defines an subtype relationship between to sibling models, Triangle
and Rectangle
, and their parent, Shape
type: object
discriminator: shapeType
type: string
type: string
- name
- shapeType
description: A representation of a triangle
- $ref: "#/definitions/Shape"
- type: object
type: integer
description: The base length
type: integer
description: The height
- base
- height
description: A representation of a rectangle
- $ref: "#/definitions/Shape"
- type: object
type: integer
description: The length of the rectangle
type: integer
description: The width of the rectangle
- length
- width
Which will result in the following class hierarchy:
trait Shape {
def name: String
def shapeType: String
* A representation of a triangle
final case class Triangle (
name: String,
shapeType: String,
/* The base length */
base: Int,
/* The height */
height: Int) extends Shape
* A representation of a rectangle
final case class Rectangle (
name: String,
shapeType: String,
/* The length of the rectangle */
length: Int,
/* The width of the rectangle */
width: Int) extends Shape
Data types in swagger have an optional modifier, format
This is an open string-valued property that can be used to further inform the generator of a more specific
type. This generator exploits this modifier for string
properties to add the following additional date/time
properties: timestamp
, local-time
, and local-date-time
Further, these types are mapped to java.time.{Instant, LocalTime, LocalDateTime}
, respectively.