

wopian opened this issue · 2 comments

Proof read transcribed code of THE_LUNAR_LANDING against scans

Lines: 335
Page: 0785—0792 (7)

Reduced quality scans can be found here

Issue 1: GOTOP00H should be GOTOPOOH (code, img)

Issue 2: GOTOP00H should be GOTOPOOH (code, img)

Issue 3: GOTOP00H should be GOTOPOOH (code, img)

These are the only issues I was able to find. The comments in this one were fun to read. Some of the images were pretty rough in areas but nothing else stood out as an issue.

Yeah, the print quality of the Luminary printouts are considerably worse than Comanche (but not the worst from the Apollo program - Colossus249 is even harder to read)