
There are 30 repositories under agc topic.

  • chrislgarry/Apollo-11

    Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.

  • xiongyihui/python-webrtc-audio-processing

    Python bindings of WebRTC Audio Processing

  • cianru/huawei-appgallery-publish-gradle-plugin

    Huawei AppGallery Publish Gradle Plugin allows you to publish the android release build file (*.apk or *.aab) to the Huawei AppGallery store

  • xia-chu/webrtc_apm

    webrtc中apm相关代码的提取,包括AEC/NS/AGC/VAD ,另外还包括mp3/aac编码器、SoundTouch

  • strath-sdr/rfsoc_studio

    The Strathclyde RFSoC Studio Installer for PYNQ.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook26737
  • eslamfaisal/emergency-services

    In this Application You will learn HMS & AGCConnect Service for Huawei Devices

  • rrainey/agc-mechanical-cad

    Apollo Guidance Computer - Mechanical CAD models from the original NASA/MIT drawings

  • wopian/agc-assembly

    ☄️ VS Code syntax highlighting for Apollo Guidance Computer source code

  • SajjadAsefi/LFC

    Controller parameters tuning for load frequency control (Matlab code)

  • jagger2048/WebRtc_AGC1

    This repository is webrtc agc module demo.

  • strath-sdr/pynq_agc

    Demonstration of Automatic Gain Control with PYNQ

  • sile/dagc

    A Rust implementation of digital AGC (automatic gain control)

  • rrainey/DSKY-matic

    A functioning Apollo Guidance Computer DSKY replica

  • yamilmedina/appgallery-publisher

    A Gradle plugin that allows the publication of an APK to Huawei's App Gallery

  • brnd-from-mars/EmulatedGuidanceComputer

    Emulator for the Apollo Guidance Computer

  • cameron-goddard/Pi-AGC

    A programmable Apollo Guidance Computer, built with Raspberry Pi

  • Anti-AIGC/knowledgebase

    Information, resources and knowledges about AIGC & Anti-AIGC.

  • michaelfranzl/webDSKY

    Emulation of the DSKY user interface of the Apollo Guidance Computer for the Web platform

  • nextagc/Blogspot-AGC-Clone-Sites

    NextAGC - Premium Library Automated Generated Content for: Books, Movies, Sports, Images, News, etc.

  • nnn950711/AGC-Translate-zhTW

    適用於 AGC 繁體中文翻譯的文件

  • pczerkas/ubuntu-terraform-aws-kubernetes

    Terraform module for Kubernetes setup on AWS (Ubuntu)

  • AppGalleryConnect/agc-applinking-demo-iOS

    App Linking allows you to create cross-platform links that can work as defined regardless of whether your app has been installed by a user. A link created in App Linking can be distributed through multiple channels to users. When a user taps the link, the user will be redirected to the specified in-app content. In App Linking, you can create both long and short links.

  • AppGalleryConnect/agc-appmessaging-demo-iOS

    You can use App Messaging of AppGallery Connect to send relevant messages to target users actively using your app to encourage them to use key app functions. For example, you can send in-app messages to encourage users to subscribe to certain products, provide tips on passing a game level, or recommend activities of a restaurant.

  • AppGalleryConnect/agc-authservice-demo-iOS

    Most apps need to identify and authenticate users to tailor the app experience for individual users. However, building such a system from scratch is a difficult process. Auth Service can quickly build a secure and reliable user authentication system for your app. You only need to access Auth Service capabilities in your app without caring about …

  • AppGalleryConnect/agc-cloudfunction-demo-iOS

    With Cloud Functions, you can develop functions using programming languages supported by AppGallery Connect and run them in a serverless environment. Each function instance receives and responds to events in an isolated environment. Cloud Functions guarantees reliable function instances and scales their number as needed.

  • AppGalleryConnect/agc-crash-demo-iOS

    The AppGallery Connect Crash service provides a powerful yet lightweight solution to app crash problems. With the service, you can quickly detect, locate, and resolve app crashes (unexpected exits of apps), and have access to highly readable crash reports in real time, without the need to write any code.

  • AppGalleryConnect/agc-remoteconfiguration-demo-iOS

    Remote configuration provides cloud-based services. By integrating the client SDK, your app can periodically fetch parameters and their values from the cloud. Remote Configuration checks whether a reported parameter has an on-cloud value update and returns the new value if so. Based on the parameter values fetched, you can implement the service processing logic to add behavior or appearance to your app.

  • patricab/dskyino

    DSKYINO - Open DSKY Fork

  • rrainey/DSKY-digital-indicator-replica

    A replica of the Apollo Guidance Computer DSKY digital display implemented with LEDs

  • tugot17/NF-Nets-Presentation

    Presentation on Normalizer-Free (Res)Nets conducted at Wrocław University of Science and Technology on 10 March. 2021.
