The price aggregator for CoinMarketCap and OpenExchangeRate. This component shared by rwallet-server Dogfood and Production environments and use Google Pub/Sub for communication.


before run app, should update .env file

  • development
    1. npm run dev
  • production
    1. npm run build
    2. npm run start


  1. create .env file
  2. gcloud config get-value project to check which project is currently active
  3. gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID to change current project
  4. gcloud projects list to list projects accessible by the active account
  5. gcloud app deploy to deployed app for the current project, also can add --project=PROJECT_ID flag to specify project ID to use for this invocation


  1. complete typescript types [enhancement]
  2. add docker support [enhancement]
  3. add google secret manager support [enhancement]
  4. use dependency injection by TSyringe [enhancement]
  5. use agenda to replace setInterval [enhancement]