
Branding for SuperCollider project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SuperCollider Mark

This is the code for an ongoing redesign experiment for the branding.

It is built using the canvas-sketch library and command line tool.


First make sure you have a recent node and npm installation.

Then, install globally canvas-sketch

npm install canvas-sketch-cli -g

Now clone this repo

git clone git@github.com:chrism/supercollider-mark.git

Within the cloned directory run npm

npm install

Then start the canvas-sketch server with

canvas-sketch logo.js

You should then be able to view the logo in your browser at

How it works

Everytime you refresh your browser or save the logo.js file it will generate a new design.

The code uses a seed generator random choice of

When seeing a combination you like you can save it as a PNG file by making sure the browser is focused (clicking on the artwork) and using ⌘S to save it.

You'll note that each image file has a suffix of a string of numbers, that refers to the seed value, so it can be regenerated if required.

Drawing the icon

The icon is based upon the original svg file and uses the same julia code to rotate the faces.

B = [[0,0,1] [1024,0,1] [0,1024,1]]
o = [556,556]
s = [0,595]
e = [506,-119]
se = [424,207]
points = hcat(o+e,o,o+se+e,o+se,o+s,o+s+se+e,o+s+se)
rects = Vector[[4,3,7],[2,4,5],[1,3,2]]
for r = rects
    p = map(c -> vcat(points[:,c], [1]), r)
    p = hcat(p...)
    A = (B' \ p')'
    println(join(reshape(A[1:2,:], 6), ", "))

But, so the icon can be used at small dimensions without becoming a blur, it is simplified.

TODO: I think that there could still be some improvements to the final execution of the icon. The gradients and colour options I'm not yet satisfied with.


One of the great things about canvas-sketch is it's support for animation.

I think that once the colour/type combinations are locked down it would be fun to experiment with some subtle animation of the text and spinning of the icon perhaps?

Examples of current version

Here are some example exports from the version 20 November 2018