
(SOLVED) There was a problem reading values from the gophish.config file!

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all have a great day.

I'v installed GoReport on the Host where GoPhish is running.

I have followed the instructions by creating a config file in the GoReport and GoPhish main directory

But i receive an error from GoReport.

There was a problem reading values from the gophish.config file!
L.. Details: No section: 'Gophish'

At this point i'm stuck, unfortunatelly i'm new with the API stuff never done this before.

Please let me know what i'm missing or what is the exact task when creating the config file (location,permission,etc..)

Any help is much appreciated, thank you in advance.

Input from the config file:

from gophish import Gophish

api_key = 'API_KEY'
api = Gophish(XXXXXXX8997f2219ad6b73b03dd64b4XXXXXXXe5cb54179241fe501a542XXXXX; host='https://X.0.0.X:33XX')

@kpomeroy1979 Thank you kindly for the reply.

To summarise i need to create the .conf file in the GoReport main directory and use chmod 644 on the file so it can read from it?

Thank you in advance.

Thank you for the suggestion. The GoReport module is now working as expected.

@kpomeroy1979 you are awesome

Glad the problem is resolved, @gkaman94! Thanks for updating the ticket.

And thank you for helping then, @kpomeroy1979!