
How I plan to vote, and why.

MIT LicenseMIT


This is a description of how I plan to vote, and why.


  1. Elections
  2. Goals
  3. Contributing
  4. Inspiration


Upcoming elections

  • some time in the future

Past elections


These are my goals:

  1. Articulation: Analyize and think more carefully about my options. Because writing is thinking.

  2. Collaboration: Open source my decision making process through GitHub Issues and Pull Requests.

  3. Documentation: Document my decisions for my own use, so I can reflect back on them, and see where my beliefs have changed over time and for what reason.


In order to achieve goal number two (Open source my decision making process through GitHub Issues and Pull Requests) I need discourse and feedback.

Please try to influence me, educate me, change my mind, argue with me, point out where I'm wrong, etc.

  • Submit an issue

  • Fork this repo and send me a pull request

  • g-mail me at christopher.p.brown

  • I guess you could even twitter me @chrismanbrown if that's easiest for you, but I don't check twitter super often.


This repo is inspired by, and is a fork of, sreynen/vote.

It is also a sort of spiritual successor to busterbenson/public.