
A Ruby on Rails sample application used for engineer interviews

Primary LanguageRuby

Galley Rails Engineer Candidate Code Revuew

This Rails application is a basic skeleton of an app that serves an API about questions and answers. It already includes 4 basic models:

  1. Question
  2. Answer
  3. User
  4. Tenant

A Question can have one or more answers, and can be private. Every Answer belongs to one question. Each Question has an asker (User), and each Answer has a provider (User).

A Tenant is a consumer of the API you are going to write. A db/seeds.rb file is included to preload the database with test data when you setup the DB.

You need to review a pull request that fulfills the following requirements

  • Add a RESTful, read-only API to allow consumers to retrieve Questions with Answers as JSON (no need to retrieve Answers on their own). The response should include Answers inside their Question as well as include the id and name of the Question and Answer users.
  • Don't return private Questions in the API response.
  • Require every API request to include a valid Tenant API key, and return an HTTP code of your choice if the request does not include a valid key.
  • Track API request counts per Tenant.
  • Add an HTML dashboard page as the root URL that shows the total number of Users, Questions, and Answers in the system, as well as Tenant API request counts for all Tenants. Style it enough to not assault a viewer's sensibilities.
  • Allow adding a query parameter to the API request to select only Questions that contain the query term(s). Return an appropriate HTML status code if no results are found.
  • Add a piece of middleware to throttle API requests on a per-Tenant basis. After the first 100 requests per day, throttle to 1 request per 10 seconds.