UUID Genie

UUID Genie is a microservice application that generates random UUIDs. The application was created using flask and includes a simple API.

Table of Contents

What is a UUID?

UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier (also referred to as GUID or Globally Unique Identifiers). UUIDs are 36-character alphanumeric strings that can be used to provide a unique identity to any collection or piece of information within a computing system. A UUID is a 128-bit value which is designed to be globally unique.

How to Use

Local Deployment

To run this application locally, please follow the instructions below.

  • Python 3
git clone https://github.com/chrismannina/uuid-genie.git
cd uuid-genie
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start Up
python wsgi.py
  • By default the service will be hosted on http://localhost:5000/
  • The port can be changed by editing wsgi.py to include the port you choose: app.run(port=1337)
  • Press ctrl+c to end hosting

Heroku Deployment

If interested, this repository comes ready to deploy to Heroku. The necessary Procfile and wsgi.py files are included. Simply create an account, create a new app, and follow the instructions to deploy.

Current deployment is found here.

API Documentation

GET api/uuid/

Requests a randomly generated UUID. This method returns a JSON object that contains the generated UUID.


    "uuid": "2c315323-d9d4-4391-8545-17923a36c9d1"

GET api/uuid/number

Requests multiple UUIDs based on number input. This method returns a JSON object that contains the generated UUIDs.


    "uuid-1": "69549be2-4c92-4e04-b898-b87caec61b98", 
    "uuid-2": "99a0e2b3-27f1-4846-88ab-27548f638c9f", 
    "uuid-3": "643cc82c-faf4-469c-9776-fcbae6a44008"

Other Information

All UUIDs generated from UUID Genie are version 4 (random). Read more about UUIDs and the different versions at Wikipedia.