
This is a project for testing OpenGL through OpenTK in .NET MAUI

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About MauiOpenGL Project

This Project is for trying out using OpenTK in MAUI App

The first implemented part is a MAUI Handler to a native inherited Android GLSurfaceView

To use OpenTK:

  • First you need to get it from its corresponding nuget package.
  • Second a binding of its functions should be done .. please have a look inside AndroidOpenTKBindingContext
  • In the MauiOpenGLHandler in the CreatePlatformView .. the GL.LoadBindings(OpenTKBinder); were called .. then the native view of android were created
  • Rendering occurs in the AndroidOpenGLRenderer .. in this location you can use the Android GLES20 class or the OpenTK GL class .. the two apis will work.

please note that binding to the functions .. I needed to use P/Invoke [DllImport("/system/lib64/libEGL.so", EntryPoint = "eglGetProcAddress")] in the implemented class.

The folder of /system/lib64/libEGL.so was the one succeeded in the emulator and Xaiomi phone. but I can't gaurantuee it will work on the other devices.


please check the MauiProgram in the app to make sure that you've included your new created view in the maui handlers

.ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers =>
	handlers.AddHandler(typeof(MauiOpenGLView), typeof(MauiOpenGLHandler));

Windows Handler

Maui uses WinUI3 inside its handler .. so to be able to use OpenGL ES you will have to rely on Google ANGLE (Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine*) project.

however the dll that is being used (as far as I know from this issue mono/SkiaSharp#1893 is actually not targetting WinUI3 yet .. but only targetting the WinRT API.

so .. thanks to @levinli303 https://github.com/levinli303 and his patched dll .. found in mono/SkiaSharp#1893 (comment)

and also can be found in his repo https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/compare/master...levinli303:vcpkg:angle-winui

also thanks to SkiaSharp project (I used their code in creating the Windows SwapChainPanel)

the windows part can be shown beside the android one on the below snapshot


Naturally .. Apple and IOS should be the focus on the future .. but I don't have such devices for now.


This repo is a proof of concept for using OpenTK in Maui .. the code is Spaghetti and it is not a production thing by anymean .. so take it with (two or three) grain of salt :D

Thank you,


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