
Robot able to self-navigate in a coordinate system using odometry and light sensors, able to avoid obstacles using ultrasonic sensors and able to launch projectiles to specific coordinates.

Primary LanguageJava

ECSE211 Ballistic Launcher Project

This is your repository for the fifth lab as well as the project. If you want to follow best practices, work in the dev (development) branch, not master.

Source files

You must place your source files in the src/ca/mcgill/ecse211/project/ folder, where Main.java is. Your source files must all have the package declaration

package ca.mcgill.ecse211.project;

Do not modify the other source files in this repository without written permission!

They are meant to help us (and you) with grading and reviewing the code. You can see the results of checkstyle and SpotBugs at


where XX is your group number.

You may also run these locally after cloning the project and pulling the latest changes.

Run checkstyle locally before you commit by running

./gradlew checkstyle

on your local machine from the repo root directory.

You can run SpotBugs locally using the Eclipse plugin.


From time to time (about once a week), you will be asked to create a release that represents your progress so far. A release is simply a tagged git commit. To do that, go to Releases:


(Replace XX with your team number)

Then select Draft a new release, and give your release an appropriate tag, name and description, eg:

Tag version: v1.0.0

Version 1.0

Week 1 documents and software. Changelog:

  • Add better timed sampling
  • Add hardware design alternative sketches
  • Fix localization bug

Connecting repo to Eclipse

For more information on connecting this repository to your local Eclipse installation, please refer to the Clean Code Tutorial (modify the steps for the project as needed).