
A loyal data retriever for your Rails development databases.

Primary LanguageCSS

Labrador v0.2.1

A loyal database (agnostic) client for your Rails development databases.


Labrador can be installed by a single copy paste of aggregated shell commands. Detailed instructions can be found on labrador's homepage.


$ cd ~/.labrador
$ git pull origin master
$ mkdir -p tmp/
$ touch tmp/restart.txt


  • Automatic intregation with pow, allowing you to hit (myapp.larabdor.dev) and be up and running
  • Listing/paging, update, and delete support of records/documents across all your development tables/collections.
  • Easy schema viewing for all your SQL database tables
  • Automatic Rails application discovery within the current app's parent folder for easy app switching
  • Manual database connections for non-Rails application support by simply visiting labrador.dev/

Supported Database Adapters

Labrador supports most mainstream database adapters and Rails database configurations. If you are using ActiveRecord, Datamapper, or Mongoid with standard database.yml or mongoid.yml configurations your databases will be connected to automatically.

  • Postregsql
  • MySQL
  • SQlite
  • MongoDB
  • RethinkDB

OSX Support

Zero setup is required after installation when pow is installed. Simply install and then load up myapp.labrador.dev.

Other Linux/Unix Support

Add this to your .bash_profile or equivalent

alias labrador-start="cd $HOME/.labrador && bundle exec rails s -e production -p 7488"

After the server is started, you can then load up localhost:7488/~/Path/to/myapp


  • Manual database connections (completed in v0.2.0)
  • Arbitrary queries
  • Record creation
  • Redis support


rake test

Add adapter_test configurations with credentials for each adapter to config/database.yml. ie:

    database: labrador_test
    host: localhost
    user: username
    password: password
    port: 3306
    database: labrador_test
    host: localhost
    user: username
    password: password
    port: 5432
    database: labrador_test
    user: username
    password: password
    port: 27017
    database: labrador_test
    host: localhost
    port: 28015

Note - The sqlite adapter uses a local .sqlite3 file in test/fixtures.

Known Limitations

Labrador uses pure ruby adapters for mysql and postgres to avoid incompatibilities with users lacking postgres or mysql headers for native extension compilation. These implementations are unable to establish database connections over SSL.