
Coding Challenge

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a React web application with the following use cases.

  1. As a user I can add an item to a list of "to-dos"

  2. As a user I can see a list of "to-do" items.

  3. As a user I can complete an item on the "to-do" list.

Note: Your code should be saved to a github repository.


Q. Should the data be persisted in local storage or a database? A. Local storage is fine but the choice is up to you.

Q. Should I use something like redux to manage the state of the application? A. You will get bonus points for using redux since that is what we use but the choice is up to you.

Q. Should I host/publish the application somewhere like Heroku? A. This is not required but feel free.

Q. What should I use to create my react application? A. Bonus points for using NextJS, but create-react-app is fine.

Q. Should there by any authentication to the application? A. This is not required.