
A node require() hook that compiles SVGs to strings on-the-fly.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


babel-register for SVG files.™

Build Status


npm install --save-dev inline-svg-register


Registering the SVG require() hook

require("inline-svg-register") in any file, as long as it comes before you require() any SVG files.


var svg = require("./my-cool.svg");

Unregistering the SVG require() hook

inline-svg-register's export is a function that, when called, will unregister the require() hook that it added.


var unhook = require("inline-svg-register");
var svg = require("./my-cool.svg");


Imagine that you have a Webpack-bundled JavaScript app that uses the raw-loader to require() in SVG file contents as a string.

You also have a very simple tape test setup that just require()s in whatever files that you want to test.

If you try to test any files that contain require() calls to SVG files, node will throw a parsing error on those calls because node expects only JavaScript files to be passed to require().

CoffeeScript and Babel both get around this constraint by extending node's file type support using a deprecated feature: require.extensions. This feature allows node to compile CoffeeScript or ES2015 on-the-fly to JavaScript that node can parse. I adapted Babel's solution, called babel-register, to compile an SVG file on-the-fly to a JavaScript string.