Contains a LaTeX template for typesetting assignments and problem sets at University of Queensland.
It is highly recommended you install TinyTex as a lightweight LaTeX distribution. You probably only need a subset of packages anyway!
- Option 1: Install packages using 'tlmgr'
After installing TinyTex, execute this command in R:
Or if you prefer installing using 'tlmgr':
tlmgr install adjustbox amscls catchfile collectbox enumitem environ eurosym fancyhdr filehook
footmisc fvextra ifplatform jknapltx lineno lm-math makecmds mathtools minted parskip pdflscape pgf
polyglossia rsfs tcolorbox tex titling transparent trimspaces ucs ulem unicode-math upquote xcolor xstring
- Option 2: Let TinyTex do the work!
Check use of 'parse_packages' or 'parse_install', and let TinyTex helper functions do the work!
- Install LaTeX Workshop extension
- Update your settings.json file with the latex workshop recipes and tools found here
- Reload VS Code window.
- Build your TeX file!