
Contains a LaTeX template for typesetting assignments and problem sets at University of Queensland.

Installation and basic settings

Install LaTeX distribution

It is highly recommended you install TinyTex as a lightweight LaTeX distribution. You probably only need a subset of packages anyway!

  • Option 1: Install packages using 'tlmgr'

After installing TinyTex, execute this command in R:


Or if you prefer installing using 'tlmgr':

tlmgr install adjustbox amscls catchfile collectbox enumitem environ eurosym fancyhdr filehook 
  footmisc fvextra ifplatform jknapltx lineno lm-math makecmds mathtools minted parskip pdflscape pgf 
  polyglossia rsfs tcolorbox tex titling transparent trimspaces ucs ulem unicode-math upquote xcolor xstring
  • Option 2: Let TinyTex do the work!

Check use of 'parse_packages' or 'parse_install', and let TinyTex helper functions do the work!

For Visual Studio Code users

  1. Install LaTeX Workshop extension
  2. Update your settings.json file with the latex workshop recipes and tools found here
  3. Reload VS Code window.
  4. Build your TeX file!