
Flutter test local app web/android/ios for AutoPi - very much in pre Alpha - Demonstrate capabiity


Install flutter

enable for web developemnt

runs locally (Mac Catalina)- docker config to come

It currently requires licence key to SyncFusion which can be got for free from


The sample currently requires auto-pi-ws to porvide test data.

clone auto-pi-ws

npm install
node testserver.js

This simply runs a trivial node ws server to push trivial test data

clone auto-pi-ux

create file assets/config.json from assets/config.sample

{ "SyncFusionKey" : "yourkey" }

run the web version

flutter run -d Chrome 

Installing dcoker onto the pi3.

For thos with a PI 3 and wanting to install docker (for ease of testing) I suggest this link is a great help

I chose the option to install the deb packages. Not it failed on the third deb the first time for me. I rebooted and it worked fine

I need help

It is currently a pre pre pre alpha just to demonstrate technical components

I am after help in

  1. Creation of a python module to replace the auto-pi-ws module. This needs to run on the autopi and publish on a ws data from PIDs and discovery data

As a start the format for the ws message is

{ "pid" : "pid" , "value" : value}

Discovery message to be described

  1. Layout of the dashboards - from very simple (beta versions) to more complex. I indent to be using the SyncFusion package although happy to consider alternatives

Reach out to me if you want to help