
Statusbar configuration for tmux that looks like vim-powerline and consist of dynamic segments.

Primary LanguageShell


This is a set of scripts (segments) for making a nice and dynamic tmux status-bar where elements can come and disappears depending on events. I really like the look of Lokaltog/vim-powerline and I decided I wanted the same for tmux.

The following segments exists for now:

  • LAN & WAN IP addresses.
  • Now Playing for MPD, Spotify (GNU/Linux native or wine, OS X), iTunes (OS X), Rhythmbox, Banshee and Audacious.
  • New mail count for Maildir and Apple Mail.
  • GNU/Linux and Macintosh OS X battery status (uses richo/dotfiles/bin/battery).
  • Weather in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin using Google's weather API.
  • System load and uptime.
  • Git or SVN branch in CWD.
  • Date and time.
  • Hostname.
  • tmux info.
  • CWD in pane
  • Current X keyboard layout.

Check segments/ for more undocumented segments and details.


Full screenshot

Full screenshot


Current tmux session, window and pane, hostname and LAN & WAN IP address.



New mails, now playing, average load, weather, date and time.


Now I've read my inbox so the mail segment disappears!

right-status, no mail

After pausing the music there's no need for showing NP anymore. Also the weather has become much nicer!

right-status, no mpd

Remaining battery.

right-status, weather and battery


Segment Requirements

  • WAN IP: curl
  • xkb_layout: X11, XKB

OS X specific requirements

You still need to follow the first part of these instructions even if you are running zsh or something else as your default shell!

tmux-powerline uses associative arrays in bash, which were added in bash version 4.0. OS X Lion ships with an antiquated version of bash ( run bash --version to see your version). In order to use tmux-powerline, you need to install a newer version of bash, fortunately, brew makes this very easy. If you don't have brew, install it. Then follow these steps:

$ brew install bash

If you're using something other than bash (or if you don't want this newer version of bash as your default shell) you should be done now. If something seems broken, try following the last two steps and see if it helps:

$ sudo bash -c "echo /usr/local/Cellar/bash/%INSTALLED_VERSION%/bin/bash >> /private/etc/shells"
$ chsh -s /usr/local/Cellar/bash/%INSTALLED_VERSION%/bin/bash

The first command installs bash through brew, the second registers the new shell with the system and the third changes to the new shell for your user. If you later upgrade bash through brew, don't forget to do the last two steps again with the new version number. After doing the above and restarting your terminal, running echo $SHELL should result in the following:

$ echo $SHELL


Just check out the repository with:

$ cd ~/some/path/
$ git clone git://github.com/erikw/tmux-powerline.git

Now edit your ~/.tmux.conf to use the scripts:

set-option -g status on
set-option -g status-interval 2
set-option -g status-utf8 on
set-option -g status-justify "centre"
set-option -g status-left-length 60
set-option -g status-right-length 90
set-option -g status-left "#(~/path/to/tmux-powerline/status-left.sh)"
set-option -g status-right "#(~/path/to/tmux-powerline/status-right.sh)"

Set the maximum lengths to something that suits your configuration of segments and size of terminal (the maximum segments length will be handled better in the future). Don't forget to change the PLATFORM variable in config.sh or your ~/.bashrc to reflect your operating system of choice.

Also I recommend you to use the tmux-colors-solarized theme (as well as solarized for everything else :)):

source ~/path/to/tmux-colors-solarized/tmuxcolors.conf

Some segments e.g. cwd and cvs_branch needs to find the current working directory of the active pane. To achive this we let tmux save the path each time the bash prompt is displayed. Put this in your ~/.bashrc or where you define you PS1 variable (I use and source ~/.bash_ps1):

PS1="$PS1"'$([ -n "$TMUX" ] && tmux setenv TMUXPWD_$(tmux display -p "#I_#P") "$PWD")'


Edit the two status scripts to suit you needs. A number of common segments are included that covers some general functions like time, date, battery etc. The segments can be moved around and does not needs to be in the order (or same file) as they are now. It should be quite easy to add you own segments.

$ $EDITOR ~/path/to/tmux-powerline/status-left.sh
$ $EDITOR ~/path/to/tmux-powerline/status-right.sh

Here is one segment configuration explained so you'll know how to make you own.

declare -A time 								# The name of the array.
time+=(["script"]="${segments_path}/time.sh")	# mandatory, the shell script producing the output text to be shown.
time+=(["foreground"]="colour136")				# mandatory, the text foreground color.
time+=(["background"]="colour235")				# mandatory, the text background color.
time+=(["separator"]="${separator_left_thin}")	# mandatory, the separator to use. Can be (as described in `lib.sh`) any of separator_(left|right)_(bold|thin)
time+=(["separator_fg"]="default")				# optional, overrides the default blending coloring of the separator with a custom colored foreground.
register_segment "time"							# Registers the name of the array declared above.


This project can only gain positivly from contributions. Fork today and make your own enhancments share back!