This application shortens the url entered by the user. It stores the URL in the database, and when identical URLS are entered, it returns the same URL to avoid duplicates.
MongoDB is a non-relational database that is very fast, and easy to use.
Note: This project is set up to run on your local environment, and would need to be configured to be made usable by the public.
Step 1: Clone the repo
git clone
Step 2: cd into the cloned repo and run:
npm install
Step 3: Install & Run MongoDB
If you aren't entirely familiar with MongoDB, i'd recommend using Compass as a desktop GUI until you learn Mongo on the CLI. See Mongo Docs to learn how to set up a local environment.
Step 4: If you are using Compass
Under the New Connections tab, click on:
Fill in connection fields individually
Then, enter the following details
Step 4: Install Nodemon (optional but recommended)
npm install -g nodemon
Step 5: Start the application
npm start
- Make more coffee ☕
- Make Front-End look a bit cleaner
- Remove formatting styles in body tag to allow other content to be added to page (i.e. rework 100vh to something more flexible)
- Make Mobile-friendly
- Make copy button appear only when link is present
- Add (at the very least) an About page
- Deploy to a web server