
Functions to weed the crud out of your data

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Functions to weed the crud out of your data

Package: crud Type: Package Title: Data cleaning utilities Version: 0.1.0 Author: Henk Harmsen Maintainer: Henk Harmsen henk@carbonmetrics.com

Description: Sturgeon's law says that "Ninety percent of everthing is crud".

This package helps you to decrud this ninety percent of your data. 
Remove crud: duplicate records, empty columns, empty rows, variables without variance.
Clean crud: header names, excessive whitespace, invalid strings.
Flag crud: missing values, outliers, mixed characters and numbers, excessive number of factor levels, records containing (sub)totals. 
Deal with crud: negative filter, unpack lists, summaries, modus.

License: What license is it under? Encoding: UTF-8 LazyData: true Depends: * bit64, * ineq, * quanteda * stringr * stringi * lubridate * magrittr * ggplot2 * gganimate * foreach * doParallel * scales * viridis * parallel * knitr * data.table * broom * simputation * forcats * gridExtra * HDoutliers * vcd * vcdExtra * ranger * xgboost * Boruta * rpart * rpart.plot * RoxygenNote: 5.0.1