
Infrastructure for scalable program repair.

Repair on defects is performed as a collection of Nomad jobs. Each Nomad Job runs a repair on a specified defects4j bug inside a Docker container. Jobs report their repair output to a Consul key/value store.


The repair directory includes Dockerfile specifications for environments that can run the respective tool. We also provide a defects4j Dockerfile. Prebuilt images are also available on DockerHub.

The cluster directory includes the configuration scripts necessary for setting up the cluster.

The nomad jobs can be configured by modifying the repair-cluster/cluster/data/bugs.json:

    "packages": [
        {"bug": "TIME-88",  "PID": "Time", "BID":4, "mode": "dev", "namespace": "org.joda.time"},
        {"bug": "MATH-950",  "PID": "Math", "BID":7, "mode": "user", "namespace": "org.apache.commons"}

The runs directory includes example output the is accessible from the consul cluster. A utility script, convert.js can be run to help convert the provided patch with escape characters into a readable patch.

The data directory includes a repairable.csv that describes the tool (jgenprog/ACS), Defects4J bug, paper source, whether a patch can be produced, and whether that patch was determined to be correct by the original authors.



To create the virtual machine, you will need VirtualBox and Vagrant installed.

Tips for creating virtual machines with these tools, as well as common problems you may encounter can be viewed in this guide.

Provision cluster VMs in VirtualBox

# provision cluster
cd cluster/
vagrant up

Configure ansible control box and cluster.

Note: This step might take a while.

# Install cluster
vagrant ssh control
cd harness 
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/bootstrap-cluster.yml

# Install nomad and consul (need sudo, ensures has rights to /etc/ansible/roles)
sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/install-nomad.yml

Verify Consul is accessible. ( for Vagrant)

Schedule nomad jobs

# Run jobs in cluster.
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/run-nomad-jobs.yml

Monitor and See Results

Inside nomad1 (vagrant ssh nomad1):

Watch jobs: watch -n 10 nomad status Stream job output in nomad: nomad logs -f c5955147

To see results stored in consul, visit

Tips and Tricks

Run job and check status

nomad run example.nomad
nomad job status example

View logs for a specific task

nomad fs <alloc-id> alloc/logs/task.stdout.0

Purge records of a previous job.

nomad stop -purge <job>

View status of a specific allocation.

nomad alloc-status <alloc-id>

Test a repair manually using docker image.

vagrant ssh nomad1

docker run --rm -it -v$SCRIPT_DIR:/scripts -v$DATA_DIR:/data chrisparnin/astor-d4j /scripts/ MATH-1021 Math 2 --user org.apache.commons

Running ACS repair manually.

Pull a docker image for ACS.

docker pull chrisparnin/acs
docker run --rm -it chrisparnin/acs:latest

Inside the running container, checkout a defects4j bug

defects4j checkout -p Lang -v 7b -w /tmp/Lang_7
cd /tmp/Lang_7 && defects4j compile

Run ACS to repair the bug.

cd /ACS && java -jar ACS.jar /tmp/ Lang_7

To run a repair of a user provided test manually, provide a volume that contains the user tests, e.g.:

docker run --rm -it -v/tmp/repair-cluster/user_test:/user_test/ chrisparnin/acs:latest

Inside the running container, remove the triggering test(s)

SUBJECT_TESTDIR=$(cd /tmp/Lang_7 && defects4j export -p dir.src.tests)
$D4J_HOME/framework/util/ $D4J_HOME/framework/projects/LANG/7 /tmp/Lang_7/$SUBJECT_TESTDIR

Copy the user test in place

cp /user_test/ /tmp/Lang_7/$SUBJECT_TESTDIR/


cd /tmp/Lang_7 && defects4j compile

cd /ACS && java -jar ACS.jar /tmp/ Lang_7

Time to repair is located in /ACS/resultMessage/fixResult.log

The results are in the dir "ACS/resultMessage", the detailed patch is in the file "ACS/resultMessage/patchSource/"(If a bug has n patches, the "PatchId" will range from 0 to n - 1), and is between "patch begin" and "patch end".

Additional details about ACS can be seen at: