
Easily connect and interact with AWS Athena Databases

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


This is a simple python module that will allow you to query athena the same way the AWS Athena console would. It only requires a database name and query string.


pip install pythena


Be sure to set up your AWS authentication credentials. You can do so by using the aws cli and running

pip install awscli
aws configure

More help on configuring the aws cli here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html

Simple Usage

import pythena

athena_client = pythena.Athena("mydatabase") 

# Returns results as a pandas dataframe
df = athena_client.execute("select * from mytable")

print(df.sample(n=2)) # Prints 2 rows from your dataframe

Connect to Database

import boto3
import pythena

# Connect to a database
athena_client = pythena.Athena(database="mydatabase")
# Connect to a database and override default aws region in your aws configuration
athena_client = pythena.Athena(database="mydatabase", region='us-east-1')
# Connect to a database and override default profile in your aws configuration
athena_client = pythena.Athena(database="mydatabase", session=boto3.session.Session())


  query='SQL_QUERY',                   # Required
  s3_output_url='FULL_S3_PATH',        # Optional (Format example: 's3://mybucket/mydir'
  save_results=TRUE | FALSE            # Optional. Defaults to True only when 's3_output_url' is provided. If True, the s3 results will not be deleted and an tuple is returned with the execution_id.
  run_async=TRUE | FALSE               # Optional. If True, allows you to run the query asynchronously. Returns execution_id, use get_result(execution_id) to fetch it when finished
  workgroup='primary'                  # Optional. Defaults to 'primary' workgroup

Note: execute() returns a tuple (dataframe, execution_id) unless run_async=True, then it only returns the execution_id.

Full Usage Examples

import boto3
import pythena

# Prints out all databases listed in the glue catalog
pythena.print_databases(region='us-east-1') # Overrides default region
pythena.print_databases(session=boto3.session.Session()) # Overrides default profile

# Gets all databases and returns as a list
pythena.get_databases(region='us-east-1') # Overrides default region
pythena.get_databases(session=boto3.session.Session()) # Overrides default profile

# Connect to a database
athena_client = pythena.Athena(database="mydatabase")
athena_client = pythena.Athena(database="mydatabase", region='us-east-1') # Overrides default region
athena_client = pythena.Athena(database="mydatabase", session=boto3.session.Session()) # Overrides default profile

# Prints out all tables in a database

# Gets all tables in the database you are connected to and returns as a list

# Execute a query, returns tuple with dataframe and athena execution_id
dataframe, _ = athena_client.execute(query="select * from my_table") # Results are  returned as a dataframe

# Execute a query and save results to s3
dataframe, execution_id = athena_client.execute(query="select * from my_table", s3_output_url="s3://mybucket/mydir") # Results are  returned as a dataframe

# Get Execution Id and save results
dataframe, execution_id = athena_client.execute(query="select * from my_table", save_results=True)

# Get Execution Id and save results
dataframe, execution_id = athena_client.execute(query="select * from my_table", save_results=True)

# Execute a query asynchronously
execution_id = athena_client.execute(query="select * from my_table", run_async=True) # Returns just the execution id
dataframe = athena_client.get_result(execution_id) # Will report errors if query failed or let you know if it is still running

# With asynchronous queries, can check status, get error, or cancel


By default, when executing athena queries, via boto3 or the AWS athena console, the results are saved in an s3 bucket. This module by default, assuming a successful execution, will delete the s3 result file to keep s3 clean. If an s3_output_url is provided, then the results will be saved to that location and will not be deleted.