Native Vertical Tabs, keep your sidebar, no extensions needed. No overthinking. FF Ultima.

Primary LanguageCSSMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


. . . a sequel to Perfection FF CSS Theme

Beautiful. light-weight. a 100% easy-mode theme. and a 100% over-the-top name to break the fourth wall!

GitHub Release GitHub Downloads (all assets, all releases) GitHub Repo stars



  • Vertical Tabs and a One Line Nav Bar
  • Support to create color schemes, or just go to the addon store
  • Full Moon (Dark) and Dusky (Light) cycle depending on your Systems current color mode
  • New Tab Page Overhaul. @hachikoharuno
  • Multiple Options - for Tab Size, Autohiding Tabs, Sidebar, Spacing, and More
  • The Mini Button Bar - pin/unpin up to 15 buttons, drag and drop functional. Works with the following buttons:



  • ✅ Firefox 120+
  • ✅ Win11/Lin/Mac
(Click me) Have system theme enabled for first install, not firefox dark/light, they are different.

install1 install2

(Click me) Need help finding your Profile Folder?

userChrome Themes work by Having the Browser read stylized .css text files in a certain directory within your Profile Folder. There are two easy ways to locate this folder:

  1. Go to the about:support page
  • In the URL Bar, type about:support.
  • Look at the Profile Folder row. Open the folder.
  • In that folder, create a new folder named chrome (If it doesnt already exist).


  1. Go to the about:profiles page
  • In the URL Bar, type about:profiles.
  • Your profile will say This is the profile in use and.... Click the Open Directory button in the Root Directory row.
  • In that folder, create a new folder named chrome (if it doesnt already exist).

alt text


⚠️ There are 2 ways to install this theme, both have their drawbacks and strengths. Choose one.


The Easy Way:

  1. Download the latest version by clicking here. Or on the release page.
  2. In the theme zip file, copy the files from ffultimax.x.x folder into the chrome folder.
  3. In the chrome folder youll see a file named user.js, move it out of the chrome folder and into the Profile Folder.
  4. Restart Firefox. After Firefox is open again, delete the user.js file.
  5. The user.js enabled userChrome, and adds settings like tab size, autohide, etc, in about:config.
  6. Try it out, go to about:config then search for ultima.


This method involves using Git and the Terminal - allowing easier updates. Harder for the less technical of people.

The Hard Way:

  1. Open a terminal in your Profiles chrome folder.
  2. Or in the terminal, navigate to your Profiles chrome folder cd your\profile\folder\path\chrome.
  3. In the terminal: git clone https://github.com/soulhotel/FF-ULTIMA.git to clone/update to the latest version.
  4. In your chrome folder you'll have a file named user.js.
  5. Move the user.js file OUT of the chrome folder and INTO your Profile Folder.
  6. Restart Firefox. After Firefox is open again, delete the user.js file.
  7. The user.js file enabled userChrome, and added theme settings like tab size, autohiding, etc, in the about:config page.
  8. Try it out, go to about:config then search for ultima.


Click images for a higher resolution
Dusky (Light) Full Moon (Dark)
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Sidebery Example Add On theme
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Add On theme Add On theme
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