Appcelerator / Titanium module project to build and use the google firebase SDK
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Firebase Debug Mode
#25 opened by tav3lla - 1
Firebase.configure() is not a function
#24 opened by calacianu - 0
Error while compiling App (module v.1.3.1)
#23 opened by kilyan-s - 9
Implementing Notifications
#3 opened by m1ga - 3
- 2
Support for FIRInstanceID
#22 opened by vasilestefirta - 7
[FIRApp configure] could not find a valid GoogleService-Info.plist in your project
#20 opened by miguelsignes - 3
- 15
Erreur Compilation
#19 opened by dieg013 - 7
Cloud Messaging
#10 opened by adaojunior - 1
No analytics debug can be viewed
#8 opened by chrisribe - 1
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Question: can it be used for realtime database?
#12 opened by boardmain - 1
App store publish fails (0 entitlements)
#9 opened by chrisribe - 2
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signOut error case crash
#2 opened by chrisribe