
💬 Code powering the animated chat bubble README on my GitHub profile

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dynamic README

Code powering the animated chat bubble README on my GitHub profile


This is (very heavily) developed based on the hard work of Jason Long! Seriously - most of the styling is directly from his implementation. Go give his project a ⭐


The README is loading a specially-crafted SVG with some inlined CSS for the animations. This SVG is generated on the fly using CloudFlare Workers for lightning fast response times.

Under the hood, it's using:


To run this yourself locally, you'll first need to set up Wrangler from CloudFlare. This will give you a local dev server and handle deployment.

yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler
wrangler login

Obtain a key from Weather API (free tier allows 1,000,000 requests / month).

Copy wrangler.template.toml to a new wrangler.toml file and fill with your account_id and WEATHER_API_KEY.

Install dependencies:


Then, start up the dev server:

wrangler dev

To deploy to a public Worker:

wrangler publish


  • Map weather data to visually-friendly emoji
  • Add error monitoring (Slack? Sentry?) to deployed Worker
  • Fix Goober keyframes not properly injecting