This repo is a reproduction of a bug in prettier-plugin-tailwindcss, where @ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports is not supported despite using the correct plugin ordering.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Node.js and Yarn 1.x
  2. Install dependencies with yarn install
  3. Change the ordering of Tailwind classes in src/main.jsx - for example, moving underline before font-bold
  4. Run yarn format and verify that the previous ordering is restored
  5. Change the ordering of imports - for example, importing react-dom before react
  6. Run yarn format and verify that the import order is (incorrectly) not restored
  7. Remove prettier-plugin-tailwindcss from the plugins array in prettier.config.cjs
  8. Repeat steps 5-6, verifying that import order is now correctly restored
  9. Replace prettier.config.js with a new .prettierrc file with the following contents:
  "plugins": [
  "pluginSearchDirs": false,
  "singleQuote": true
  1. Repeat steps 5-6, verifying that import order is now correctly restored