
🎵 Use machine learning to find your new favorite tracks

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Release Recommender

Use machine learning to find your new favorite tracks 🎵

Some project highlights:

Development Usage

Go to the api folder and create a new .env file based on .env.example with values filled.

To run the API locally (accessible from http://localhost:8080):

cd api
docker-compose up

To run the client in dev mode (accessible from http://localhost:3000):

cd client
# install dependencies
# start the dev server
yarn dev


To deploy the API to Cloud Run:

cd api
# build + host image on Cloud Build
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/release-recommender/api
# deploy the new function
gcloud run deploy api --image gcr.io/release-recommender/api

You can also set default deployment settings:

gcloud config set run/platform managed
gcloud config set run/region us-east1

To deploy the client to Firebase Hosting:

cd client
yarn build
firebase deploy