These are a bunch of tutorials I came up with to help me learn XC16. The eventual end goal is to use the encoder module. These tutorials use the dsPIC33EP32MC202. It should work for other families.
Project 1: Blink an LED using Timer 1
Project 1a: Test some math functions and see how quick the micro is.
Project 2: Turn on an LED with a switch.
Project 3: Take an ADC Reading and turn on/off an LED
Project 4: Vary the PWM based on a pot
Project 5: Output the ADC reading Via UART
Project 6: Communicate with SPI DAC module.
Project 7: Encoder Module. Read Encoder Module and output it via UART
Project 8: UART to Nextion TFT
Project 9: UART to Nextion TFT with ADC Read
Project 10: Motion Controller project.
Clock: Note: Make sure that IOL1WAY is set to allow multiple reconfigurations.