Reproduction Steps

  1. Clone and re-open in devcontainer
  2. Open FSharp file from F# Solution explorer
    1. errors are found, as dependencies have not been downloaded yet
  3. Restore dependencies:
    1. cd accessviolationexception-repro/src
    2. dotnet restore
    3. errors are still shown
  4. Reload window (cmd palette: Developer: Reload Window)
  5. Open an FSharp file from F# Solution explorer
    1. no errors or tooltips
  6. Review F# Output log
    1. see System.AccessViolationException


Still not functional, but avoid access violation errors

Not really a workaround, but it does affect the behavior:

  1. Remove the fsproj from the solution:
    1. cd accessviolationexception-repro/src && dotnet sln remove AccessviolationexceptionRepro
    2. Reload window
    3. There are still no errors, tooltip hovers or hints, but there are also no AccessViolationException logs

Prevent errors

Not really a workaround, but this highlight that the issue is in one of the dependencies:

  1. Delete the bin and obj folders in accessviolationexception-repro/src/AccessviolationexceptionRepro
  2. Reload window
  3. It reverts to the previous state - types from dependencies are marked as unknown but otherwise the F# language features are correct