Awesome OpShin examples, tutorials, etc
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- T Minus One - A fungible token creator dashboard, mint, vest, sell, etc
- Kalyx - dCFD trading for ADA/USD on Cardano
- onchain-token-verification by MuesliSwap - A framework for logging verification metadata and trusters on chain built with OpShin
- - An entire market place built with OpShin and PyCardano by @while0x1
- Add your projext here!
- opshin-pioneer-program - A comprehensive set of educational examples, based on the Plutus Pioneer Program
- [WIP] Gimbalabs PBL 2023 - A step by step guide featuring various Smart Contract Languages, also featuring OpShin (WIP)
- [WIP] The OpShin Book - A comprehensive guide introducing to OpShin
- Vesting & Oracle Example - Using a Vesting contract together with a permissioned Oracle by @cardano-apexpool
- opshin/examples - The standard OpShin Examples
- opshin-starter-kit - Basic repository for starting on
- Developing Smart Contracts with OpShin & PyCardano - A comprehensive introduction to OpShin as part of the PPP
- Emurgo Academy Workshop on OpShin - A presentation of OpShin with collaborative coding
- Interview with OpShin at Learn Cardano - An informal interview and introduction to OpShin
- OpShin at the European Townhall - Very quick introduction to Smart Contract writing with OpShin
- OpShin @ AdaPulse - A longer form interview during the earlier phase of OpShin
- opshin.std - A library with yet-to-be-determined standard functions, math, fractions etc.
- opshin.ledger - The opshin definitions of the Plutus Ledger API
- PyCardano - The off-chain library compatible with OpShin
- Ecosystem Overview - A comprehensive overview on Programming Languages for Smart Contracts on Cardano
- hebi - the small sister project of opshin with significantly improved performance (at the cost of more restrictiveness)
- plutus-bench - a comprehensive unified framework to compare the performance of Smart Contract languages
- uplc - a python package for manipulating Untyped Plutus Language Core
- plutonomy-cli - a general purpose smart contract optimizer