jsonapi.org formatting of Elixir data structures suitable for serialization by libraries such as Poison.
Warning: This is Alpha software and subject to breaking changes.
See documentation on hexdoc for full serialization and usage details.
defmodule MyApp.ArticleSerializer do
use JaSerializer
location: "/articles/:id"
attributes [:title, :tags, :body, :excerpt]
has_one :author,
include: PersonSerializer,
field: :authored_by
has_many :comments,
link: "/articles/:id/comments",
def comments(model, _conn) do
def excerpt(article, _conn) do
[first | _ ] = String.split(article.body, ".")
|> MyApp.ArticleSerializer.format(conn)
|> Poison.encode!
See Relax documentation for building fully compatable jsonapi.org APIs with Plug.
Simply use JaSerializer.PhoenixView
in your view (or in the Web module) and
define your serializer as above.
The render("index.json", data)
and render("show.json", data)
are defined
for you. You can just call render as normal from your controller.
defmodule PhoenixExample.ArticlesController do
use PhoenixExample.Web, :controller
def index(conn, _params) do
render conn, model: PhoenixExample.Repo.all(PhoenixExample.Article)
def show(conn, params) do
render conn, model: PhoenixExample.Repo.get(PhoenixExample.Article, params[:id])
defmodule PhoenixExample.ArticlesView do
use PhoenixExample.Web, :view
use JaSerializer.PhoenixView # Or use in web/web.ex
attributes [:title]
#has_many, etc.
To use the Phoenix accepts
plug you must configure Plug to handle the
"application/vnd.api+json" mime type.
Add the following to config.exs
config :plug, :mimes, %{
"application/vnd.api+json" => ["json-api"]
And then re-compile plug: (per: http://hexdocs.pm/plug/Plug.MIME.html)
touch deps/plug/mix.exs
mix deps.compile plug
And then add json api to your plug pipeline.
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json-api"]
For strict content-type/accept enforcement and to auto add the proper content-type to responses add the JaSerializer.ContentTypeNegotiation plug.
To normalize attributes to underscores include the JaSerializer.Deserializer plug.
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json-api"]
plug JaSerializer.ContentTypeNegotiation
plug JaSerializer.Deserializer
By default keys are dash-erized
as per the jsonapi.org recommendation, but
keys can be customized via config.
In your config.exs file:
config :ja_serializer,
key_format: :underscored
You may also pass a custom function that accepts 1 binary argument:
defmodule MyStringModule do
def camelize(key), do: key #...
config :ja_serializer,
key_format: {:custom, MyStringModule, :camelize}
When serializing attribute values more complex then string, numbers, atoms or list of those things it is recommended to implement a custom formatter.
To implement a custom formatter:
defimpl JaSerializer.Formatter, for: [MyStruct] do
def format(struct), do: struct
JaSerializer source code is released under Apache 2 License. Check LICENSE file for more information.