A python command line program to retrieve Hong Kong Observary's weather data.

Primary LanguagePython


A python command line program to retrieve Hong Kong Observary's weather data.


$ python3 hko.py -h 
usage: hko.py [-h] [-c | -n | -a | -l LOCATION | -f FORECAST | -s]
              [-v VERBOSE] [-o {xml,json}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --complete        show current HKO weather and all location weather.
  -n, --now             show current HKO weather.
  -a, --all-location    show all locations' weather.
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        show specific location's current weather. shows all no
                        location name specific.
  -f FORECAST, --forecast FORECAST
                        show upcoming [1-9] days forecast.
  -s, --server          start a flask server for serving json and xml (Go to
               for description)
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        show debug message
  -o {xml,json}, --output {xml,json}
                        output as selected file format

Work In Process

  1. Parsing Forecast data [Done]
  2. Getting location-specific current weather [Done]
  3. Add debug message for -v
  4. Add -s for serving json and xml with Flask [Done]
  5. Add current weather alerts
  6. Better json data type instead of using strings
  7. Cache mechanism - only download/retrieve new weather data after period of time