If asked to guess the value of a hidden number between one and a billion, how many tries do you think it would take? Quite a few, unless we were given some form of feedback. If we know whether our guess is too high or too low we can find the hidden value in less than thirty guesses using the Binary Search algorithm.


Implement the guess_number method in guess_number.rb so that it returns the hidden value. The guess_number method receives the range that the hidden value is in (e.g. min = 1 and max = 1000000000 to start). You can call the check method to determine whether your guess is correct or not, but there is a limit to how many times you can use check. Try to think of the most optimal way to determine what the hidden number is using the least amount of guesses (refer to this algorithm for suggestions).

Run the solver.rb file to check whether your implementation is correct. For an incorrect result you'll see the following:

$ ruby solver.rb
Incorrect guess.

When your implementation is correct it should change to this:

$ ruby solver.rb
Guessed correctly!

Note: only change the code within the guess_number method: the solver.rb file should not be changed.

Learning Goals

Implement an algorithm in Ruby using conditional expressions.