
Handles token exchange for the Authorization Code flow for the Spotify Api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node Express app that handles token exchange for the Spotify Authorization Code flow

Note: For more information about Spotify Authorization, please visit https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/

Create your Spotify App

Visit the Spotify developer portal (https://developer.spotify.com/) and create an application setting a CLIENT_ID, SECRET and REDIRECT_URI.

CLIENT_ID - is generated by Spotify

CLIENT_SECRET - also generated by spotify

REDIRECT_URI - This Url should match the callback route of this hosted application e.g (https://myspotauth/callback) or localhost:5000/callback for local development callbacks.

Setting Env variables to match your App

There's a .env file provided containing the keys of required environment vars. Update this file with your App vars for local development.

There is an additional two env vars to be set:

FINAL_URI - This is the Url which will be loaded if authorisation and the token request is succesful. A spotify Token will be returned to this Url as a QueryString parameter. This token can be parsed and then used to in subsequent requests to the Spotify Api.

STATEKEY - The name given to the cookie used during auth. This doesn't require a change from spotify_auth_state

Running locally

With the Env vars configured in a .env file, the app can be started locally node index.js

Deploying the Express Application

The Express application to a Node.js environment such as Heroku, plese see above note about setting environment variables.


Note Within Heroku, the environment vars are set via the CLI, for example:

heroku config:set CLIENT_ID=1234567809fdsnfj

Usage / flow

Once hosted, from another application you can:

  • Redirect a user to the login route (https://myspotauth/login)
  • A cookie will be stored locally and the user will be re-directed to the Spotify login page
  • On succesful authentication, the redirect Url will be called (https://myspotauth/callback)
  • After checking everything ties up, a token request will be made
  • If successful the user will be redirected to the FINAL_URL with a token in the Query string
  • This token can be parsed and used to make subsequent requests to the Api

Note: There is currently no functionality within this token swap for requesting Refresh tokens.