
Scrapes wines from vendor sites and ratings from Vivino

Primary LanguagePython


This program matches wines from vendor websites with Vivino ratings. It allows you to add plugins to scrape wine lists from vendors. Wines are persisted in a datastore. Rating scrapers can then be used to scrape ratings for your wine lists.

Based on Django DRF

Code structure

grapy/              the Django configuration
plugins/            all the vendor and rating plugins
scraper/            code that runs the scraping plugins
test/               unit tests
wines/              the Django 'wines' app description
wines/fixtures/     initial model data with countries, vendors and raters
wines/migrations/   Django migration files to setup the database -- remove??
grapy.py            main module
logging.json        logging configuration file
manage.py           commands to manage Django configuration
README.md           project description file
requirements.txt    dependencies to other python modules

Model description

name            the name of the wine.
winetype        what type of wine is it? wine, port, etc.
color           red, white, rose
country         the origin country, from the list of [countries](/wines/fixtures/countries.json)
region          the origin region
winery          the winery that produces the wine
modified        timestamp of last update
Wine details per vendor
vendor_code     the unique code of the wine for this vendor
volume          contents of the bottle
quantity        number of bottles
price           advertised price
url             URL to the wine's product page
modified        timestamp of last update
name            unique vendor name
url             URL to the vendor website
is_active       enable or disable scraping for this vendor
is_test         in test mode, no products are persisted in the datastore
plugin          filename of the .py plugin file in the plugins folder
page            relative path from the url to the wine list page
max_pages       maximum number of product pages to scrape
product         css class or id that identifies a product on a product page
stopwords       product names containing a stopword are filtered from the resultset

Adding more plugins

All plugins must extend the class PluginBase in plugins/pluginbase.py

Vendor plugins must return the following product details:

  • vendor_id: automatically
  • code: the unique code of the wine for this vendor
  • title: the name of the wine.
  • url: URL to the wine's product page
  • winetype: what type of wine is it? wine, port, etc.
  • color: red, white, rose
  • volume: contents of the bottle
  • quantity: number of bottles
  • price: advertised price



Prepare database:

python manage.py makemigrations

-- migrations folder is dan niet meer nodig

Sync database:

python manage.py migrate

Create super user:

python manage.py createsuperuser --email admin@example.com --username admin

Run tests

python -m unittest

Load data

python manage.py loaddata countries.json

Start server

python manage.py runserver


Update requirements.txt

pipreqs . --force

Dump data

python manage.py dumpdata wines.country > countries.json