
A port domain service

Primary LanguageGo


This repo contains a sample implementation of the port domain service, as an HTTP API, and as described in technical instructions.

Build and run tests

To build the project, use the following command:

make build    # build the service.

You can run project tests using the following command:

make test      # go test with caching disabled and code coverage.

Note that, by default, only unit and short tests are executed. To run integration tests, you must first set up a service environment. You can do so with the following command:

make up   # set up an environment with service and its dependencies

You can then run integration tests by setting the MongoDB database connection URI in the appropriate environment variable:

PORTS_MONGODB_CONN_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/papaya make test  

To destroy and clean up the service environment, use:

make down   # stop the service environment, clean up containers, networks, volumes

The Makefile includes a variety of other useful targets. Simply typing make should list all possible options.

Flags and Environment variables

The following command-line flags or environment variables can be used to configure the ports HTTP API.

Flag Description Environment variable Default value
-http-listen-addr HTTP listener address PORTS_HTTP_LISTEN_ADDR :80
-mongodb-conn-uri MongoDB connection URI PORTS_MONGODB_CONN_URI mongodb://localhost:27017/ports

File loader

Apart from the HTTP API, the project contains a separate command-line utility, called portload , which can be used to read and parse ports information from JSON files, as described in technical instructions. You can build portload into an executable using the following command:

go build -o portload ./cmd/portload

Running the file loader

To run the file loader, provide the path to a JSON file using a command-line flag. For example, to import the ports JSON file ports.json residing in a folder named testdata, use:

portload -f testdata/ports.json

The file loader will begin printing the records parsed, prefixed with a record counter. E.g.

main 1: Port: {AEAJM Ajman 52000 Ajman United Arab Emirates Asia/Dubai}
main 2: Port: {AEAUH Abu Dhabi 52001 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Asia/Dubai}
main 3: Port: {AEDXB Dubai 52005 Dubai United Arab Emirates Asia/Dubai}
main 4: Port: {AEFJR Al Fujayrah 52005 Al Fujayrah United Arab Emirates Asia/Dubai}
main 1629: Port: {ZMLUN Lusaka 79145 Lusaka Lusaka Zambia  Africa/Lusaka}
main 1630: Port: {ZWBUQ Bulawayo 79145 Bulawayo Bulawayo Zimbabwe Africa/Harare}
main 1631: Port: {ZWHRE Harare 79145 Harare Harare Zimbabwe Africa/Harare}
main 1632: Port: {ZWUTA Mutare 79145 Mutare Manicaland Zimbabwe Africa/Harare}

Malformed records

Note that the file loader will immediately stop processing the file on the first error it encounters.