
An IdQueue is a queue ensuring a given id cannot be processed concurrently, while allowing concurrent processing of different ids.


implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ...

val idq = new IdQueue[Int]()

val myFut = for {
  _ <- idq.acquire("id-1")
  value <- retrieveFromService("id-1", ...)
  success <- writeToDatabase("id-1", value, ...)
} yield success

myFut.onComplete { case _ => idq.release("id-1") }

IdQueue.acquire is returning a Future[Unit] which will be completed once the previous processing on the id is finished.

IdQueue.release needs to be called once teh processing is over, successful or not. This allow teh next calculation on the id to proceed.

All calls to IdQueue.acquire will be processed in order for a given id. Different ids can be processed in parallel.