
For debugging leaky specs in a Circle CI container

Primary LanguageRuby

Circle CI Rspec debug

For debugging leaky specs in a Circle CI container


This is a Ruby script for outputting an Rspec command from a Circle CI XML artifact. If none of those things mean anything to you, you're probably not going to find this very useful.

Instruction for use

  1. Clone this repo into which folder you do things with Github r.epos.
  2. cd into the repo and run bundle install
  3. Download your Circle CI XML into the xml/ folder.
  4. Amend the debug.rb script to point to your XML file.
  5. Amend the debug.rb script to assign the failure local variable to a stringy representation of the test that is failing. For example, if your app/models/pizza_spec.rb file is failing intermittently, make this failure variable "pizza_spec".
  6. Run the script from your command line with ruby debug.rb.
  7. This should print out the rspec command you need to run in order to recreate what Circle CI did.
  8. Hopefully your flakey spec will now fail locally.
  9. If it does, you can play with the script to create a divide and conquer approach to finding what preceding spec causes your pizza_spec.rb to fail.
  10. Once you can reproduce the failure locally with two tests together, you can fix your flakey spec and make your life a tiny bit better.