Data transformation and sanitzation

forthebadge forthebadge

GitHub license

What does it do?

This code retrieves data from the Nobel Prize Winners web API and transforms it into readable information. The page displays all laureates that won more than one Nobel Prize. I tried following the principles of Functional Programming as much as I could. This means some functions are reusable but others aren't.

Table of Contents


Retrieving information from the Nobel Prize Winners API. Transforming that data and displaying it in the browser.


To clone and run this project, you need Git installed on your computer. From your command line:

    # Clone this repository
    $ git clone
    # Go into the repository
    $ cd functional-programming

    # Launch live server
    Use `python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000` to serve the current folder locally

    # Go to page
    Go to http://localhost:8000/ in the browser and check it out


Shoot in an issue!


Matching app is released under the MIT