This is a little API to retrieve Amazon Wish List data. There is no official API, as Amazon shut it down a couple years ago.
This webservice will fetch data from public amazon wish lists and responds in json format
amazon-wishlist-webservice is written in Java and uses jSoup (server-side CSS3 selector driven DOM API) to scrape Amazon's Wish List page and spring-boot to have a standalone webservice instance that exports the response as JSON.
if you want to put some public or shared Amazon Wish List on your web page for instance, this project will fit your needs perfectly.
Required : Java 1.8 or higher installed
to start the application navigate to the appropriate path and call
mvn spring-boot:run
on your command line
Afterwards you can ask the webservice for any public Amazon Wish List URL (It can handle big wish lists with paginantion as well). You just have to call the endpoint with your Amazon Wish List URL as url parameter.
To get your wishlist in json format you can open http://localhost:8585/wishlist?url=`
Depending on the tld of your Amazon link you will get country specific data.
e.g. for an .de amazon link you will get € as currency, for .com $ etc.
if you want to play around with the API, it's hosted on heroku${yourWishListUrl}
you can find a swagger-ui documentation here
curl example:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET
you will get a result including:
- name of the wish list
- url of the wish list
- array of items including item specific data like:
- item title
- item price (if available)
- item price (if available)
- asin or iban (depends on item)
- id
- item url
- item picture url
- offered by (if available)
items: [
title: "Apple Mac Pro",
price: "EUR 12.851,77",
asin: "B00JSLJF4Y",
id: "I35H0B9VBOXXYH",
itemUrl: "",
pictureUrl: "",
offeredBy: "Angeboten von DASTRO ® --- Einfach. Genial. Günstig."
title: "Apple CTO MGEQ2D/A-032546 Mac mini Desktop-PC (Intel Core i7 4578U, 3GHz, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD/SSD, Intel Iris, Mac OS) silber",
asin: "B00TYGWIII",
itemUrl: "",
pictureUrl: ""
title: "TRENDnet TEW-714TRU N150 Wireless Travel Router",
price: "EUR 28,37",
asin: "B00FEE7LW2",
itemUrl: "",
pictureUrl: "",
offeredBy: "Angeboten von Amazon."
title: "Jenkins: The Definitive Guide",
price: "EUR 27,95",
itemUrl: "",
pictureUrl: "",
offeredBy: "Angeboten von Amazon.",
isbn: 1449305350
name: "Christians Wunschzettel 2",
url: ""