title type duration creator
Grocery List with Details
name city
Drew Mahrt

Grocery List with Details


Note: This can be a pair programming activity or done independently.

In this lab, we will be continuing our work on the Grocery List: when the user clicks on one of the grocery items, your app will navigate to a new activity that will display extra details about the item. The details you need to display are already stored in the columns for description, price, and type. See the screenshots below for an example.



  • Allow the user to click on a grocery item to go to a detail screen
  • Display all four details from the database
  • Gather the details for the selected item from the database (not passed through the intent)


  • Add additional columns to the database and display those on the details screen
  • Add an additional activity to allow the user to add more groceries to the list

Starter code

The starter code contains the the solution code to the Enabling Search lab in a new project. If your code was working properly, you may continue using that codebase, if you prefer.


Here are screenshots of what the master and detail views should look like:

Additional Resources