title type duration creator
Merge Sort Lab
Drew Mahrt (NYC)

Merge Sort Lab


Note: This lab should be completed in small groups of 2-3.

This lab will help you gain more practice using merge sort.


Similar to yesterday's bubble and insertion sort lab, this will be split up into two sections: practice and interview.


There are 6 arrays listed below. For each one, draw out the merge sort diagram, showing each step of splitting the array up, as well as merging everything back together.








One person will play the interviewee, and the others will play the interviewer(s). The interviewers will give the interviewee an array of numbers. The interviewee has 10 minutes to sort the numbers via Merge Sort. After 10 minutes, the team swaps. Repeat until everyone has gone.


Take pictures of the diagram for each practice problem, and turn them all in with the pull request.


Pictures of each of the practice problems. Nothing to submit for the interview section.