I’m Christian (Forgi). Passionate web worker and musician.
@wunderbitWeilburg, Hesse, Germany
christian-forgacs's Following
- appleCupertino, CA
- atlassianAustralia
- beyondcodeGermany
- calebporzioBuffalo NY
- filamentphp
- J-Keller
- jasinerijasineri
- jessarcher@laravel
- leptoquark1@wunderbit
- luanfreitasdevLuan Freitas
- mkloossMage-Profis GmbH
- n0script@wunderbit
- NicoWenig27
- nunomaduro@laravel
- PaulRotter@wunderbit
- protonemediaAmsterdam
- REJackGermany
- serversideupUnited States of America
- sindresorhus
- spatieAntwerp, Belgium
- spntnaBarsinghausen
- ssddanbrown@BookStackApp
- taylorotwellLaravel
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- TymoMucha
- VBA-tools
- zloirockLooking for a good job -)